Aozora Kids Group Shodō Exhibition

Shodō (書道 ) is the ancient Japanese practice of artistic handwriting where black Sumi ink
dipped brushes contact the paper in techniques that yield individual expressions unique to the
artist and their movements in that moment.

Under the artistic direction of Taisan Tanaka, a contemporary Japanese artist, the 3 to 5 year old students of this exhibiting group embark on an early life journey of self-expression and creative discovery.

Some of the exhibited works are group collaborations. Others are the work of a single artist.

Ando Klausmeier, Age 4

Flower: 花

Aomi LeCavalier, Age 4

Flower: 花

Auren Huynh, Age 4

Cherry Blossoms: 桜

Daia Osawa, Age 4

Bloom: 咲

Gabriel Kendall, Age 4

Spring: 春

Augustine “Gus” Squires, Age 4

Bloom: 咲

Ibuki Tabata, Age 4

Flower: 花

Jiro Schogel, Age 4

Bloom: 咲

Kaede Schappert, Age 3

Spring: 春

Kaimi Ishikawa, Age 5

Flower: 花

Kento Chen, Age 4

Spring: 春

Luca Pireno, Age 3

Flower: 花

Megumi Hellebusch, Age 3

Flower: 花

Nils Koluman, Age 5

Spring: 春

Rei Ogura, Age 4

Cherry Blossoms: 桜

Rosie Levine, Age 3

Flower: 花

Rumiko Hallenbeck, Age 3

Spring: 春

Satoko Stellberger, Age 4

Bloom: 咲

Sol Lee, Age 3

Spring: 春

Viola Naturale, Age 3

Spring: 春

Yukari Shine, Age 4

Spring: 春

Zeki Lao, Age 4

Spring: 春